Facebook Fan Page: My HEART Crumbled When I SAW these messages on my GIRLS Wall!!!
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Cool (17) Fail (38) Funny (42) Gross (15) Sad (83) Stupid (43) WTF (30)
Welcome to the website
This site is dedicated to helping you bypass those annoying Facebook “become a fan to see the picture” things. I hate them as much as you, but I will be posting the images from any of those fan pages that either I find, or you guys suggest.
To suggest me a page to get, just click here
We try to post any new fan pages as soon as we get them suggested, so keep checking back for more pages uncovered and don’t forget to tell your friends
Cool (42) Fail (19) Funny (20) Gross (12) Sad (22) Stupid (12) WTF (28)