99 homework EXCUSES!!!
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1. I fell asleep on it and when I woke up all my drool smudged all the ink.
2. My internet access was down (for emailed assignments).
3. I left it in my shirt and my mother put the shirt in the wash.
4. I gave it to a homeless man to line his hat with.
5. I typed it up and forgot to print it off… I’ll hand it in at break (Then do it quickkkk)
6. (If you’re feeling lucky) I was flashed by the MiB and they took it, honest.
7. (If you’re feeling cheeky) You ASKED me to do the homework, you didn’t TELL me to do it so I thought it was optional.
8. It was raining yesterday afternoon and my homework got torn up in the rain.
9. The wind blew it out of my hands.
10. I accidentally wrote it in Chinese
11. I forgot it at home.
12. I lost it on the way to school
13. My baby sister scribbled all over it.
14. My hamster was starving, and I ran out of hamster food
15. Some-one stole it off me.
16. I had a right hand pencil, but only left hand paper.
17. I have an allergic reaction to home-work.
18. Power cut to my house.
19. I forget how to write down what it was.
20. My relatives died to I had to go to an emergency funeral.
21. Civil Defence Emergency.
22. It was needed as evidence for the police.
23. My little brother ate it.
24. Ran out of loo paper.
25. Had gourmet paper for dinner.
26. Computer system went down, didn’t you watch the news?
27. Got hungry on the way to school.
28. Flood in the bedroom.
29. Dog pee’d on it.
30. Mum and dad didn’t like it so they tore it up.
31. I kept making mistakes on it so I ended using up all my paper and I am waiting for Mum to buy me more.
32. (If you’re feeling ambitious) My home-work got up and walked away from me.
33. I was sick last night, but made a miraculous recovery this morning.
34. I had Air Training Corps.
35. I had sea scouts.
36. I hate doing home-work.
37. My little sister is doing it for me as we speak.
38. Ink went all over the worksheet, I need a new one.
39. I got distracted by Glee it was really great last night.
40. I never do it, so why should I bother starting now?
41. I had too much other homework.
42. Burnt the hand I write with.
43. Sprained my writing hand.
44. My little sibling was sick so I cared for them the whole time.
45. I was not allowed to do homework as a punishment.
46. I turn deaf when you say we have homework.
47. A guy with a gun robbed it off me, I’m still traumatised by the experience. Please let me go home early. (2 in 1)
48. Dad accidentally threw it into the fire before I could stop him.
49. I was away camping in the weekend.
50. I went to bed really early.
51. It is a dangerous idea.
52. It’s against human rights.
53. Don’t you think I have already done enough?
54. A film producer dropped by last night and asked if she could use my homework to star in the latest hollywood blockbuster. She took it with her and it won’t be done filming untilll next year.
55. My house got burned down and i’ve had to come to terms I will never see my homework again. I’ll be mentally scarred for life.
56. I left it on the bus.
57. I left it in the car.
58. I left it in the kitchen (especially if you are female)
59. I donated it to Haiti.
60. “OMG, I can’t find it!!” Then start crying.
61. Who cares?
62. Don’t go to school on the day that its due in. (Especially if it’s a BIG assignment)
63. Dad forgot to pay the heating bill, so we had to burn paper for heat.
64.It goes against my religion
65. I had better things to do.
66. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to add to my teacher’s heavy workload.
67. My mom’s whooping cough vaccination wore off and we had to go to the hospital.
68. I accidentally divided by zero and my paper burst into flames.
69. I have a solar powered calculator, and it was cloudy.
70.I was in the lunch room and another student started criticizing you and I just couldn’t let that go without letting him know he was wrong. I searched through my backpack to find something to throw at him, and all I could find was today’s homework assignment, so I let him have it.
71. I know this sounds ridiculous, but a dog really did eat my homework.
72. Because of legal reasons, I can’t give you my homework.
73. Another student fell in a lake, and I jumped in to rescue him but unfortunately my homework drowned.
74. What homework?
75. It’s that “time of the month”: If you’re a boy, don’t try this.
76. I stayed at my dad’s this weekend and left it there and my mom refuses to let me go back and get it. (Teachers are suckers for dysfunctional family stories.)
77. I left my binder in my mom’s car, and she’s at work across town.
78. Sorry, I was too worried about the genocide in Zambia to concentrate on my homework.
79. My bag went missing, I can’t find it anywhere.
80. A nice man had a sign which said the end is HERE. No one does homework on the eve of the apocalypse.
81. Sorry I don’t have my homework today, but I put it on top of the TV so I wouldn’t forget it and the TV blew up.
82. I left it in my shirt and my mother put the shirt for washing.
83. I was kidnapped by terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn’t have time to do it.
84. I ran out of toilet paper.. you wouldn’t want it now.
85. I forgot my book because I am moving and my mum packed the book in one of the boxes.
86. Sorry, but my friend was hungry for knowledge, so he ate my essay.
87. I forgot we have class on Wednesday.
88. I’m really hungover/ill so I might get sick if you talk about anything disgusting today.
89. I accidentally left it in my dads car last night, and now it is in the MOT garage so I cant get it until tomorrow.
90. Get about ten kids in your class to say “What quiz?” or “We had homework?”
91. My baby sister ripped it.
92. I lost my laptop.
93. I finished my homework but then I deleted it by accident.
94.I asked my dad to check my work & he said it was rubbish & ripped it up.
95. I took my essay to the soccer match on Saturday to finish it off at half time but, the match was abandoned after 10 minutes.
96. My brother drove off with my homework in his lorry, and then he lost it in France.
97. My older sister couldn’t find her same homework from last year.
98. I handed it in to reception, they said they would give it to you.
99. Simple Truth = I Couldn’t be bothered.
Or you can just use my reason: I forgot/ I didnt feel like it
I use 60 all the time… always works.
@ Me
faggot ass bitches go fuck urself sluts lmao u niggas bad lmk kids c u next tuesday
I use 1 and 11 all the time xD
Most of these the teacher wouldn’t believe, esp 89. 1337, dumbass.
I fainted (worked for me xD)
Or…I made lots of mistakes so I erased it and made a hole in it D:
i use 99 and i hate my teachers so i said i dident do it cus i dident give a fuck
Visit mydogatemyhomework.ca and you will not need to make up any more excuses.
say my family member died and i went to there funeral so i couldn’t do it
I think61 is the gratest…
great some new ones!! I think my teachers were getting suspisous of my same excuses!
the best idea is to not go to school
i love number 7 i think that is my new excuse add me on bbm 23B37766
^^^^^ shes amazing
number 33 acctualy worked i tried it today before i came on this website
if i dont like the homework i dont do it any way but i like the number 79 my bag went missing,i cant find it anywhere (^^^)
I printed this website so I never forget it! Or I just do mine in school
just tell em to fuck off it was optionul
that wat i sed anyway and got excluded for a week lol
i just say my life my rules now fuck off
i said i was not here i was in the sick room soo i did not know what to do
Siik Excuses
But My School iz Really Strict Soo I Dont Think They Will Let me Off With That Excuse
60always works
My reason:
I finished it and made the foolish mistake of ONLY saving it on my memory stick, then my memory stick broke.
For stricter schools:
Want proof? (Show teacher a broken memory stick) Put it in and see if it works. (Hope it hasn’t magically revived in the space of 1 day).