All above just NO! and I can do numbers 1 thru 8 (sans 5) during sex if I really wanted to. lol. Maybe 9 and 10 too, but that would just ruin the moment.
I’d have to say this is a pretty big FAIL. I mean, seriously, look at it this way.
“Hey baby, wanna have sex? I got a half an hour before I gotta go.”
“I have a better idea.”-saunters toward lover- “Why don’t we study?!”
“You’re so right! Let’s fucking study! ”
Whoever wrote this must have been victim of a baby dropping.
HELL FUCKING NO! this person is probably a fucking church-goer loser fuck up. this statement fucking pisses me off. abstinence is the fucking devil!
ROFL seriously!
whoever wrote this must be a virgin.
Not just a virgin, a pretty lonely, anti-social, hypnotized virgin rofl
whoever wrote this is gay and still doesn’t like sex.
I’ll agree with the first 8.
I hate Studying and housework. :@ Oh, and not 5 either, I suck at sport.
No Just No.
All above just NO! and I can do numbers 1 thru 8 (sans 5) during sex if I really wanted to. lol. Maybe 9 and 10 too, but that would just ruin the moment.
iunno man
i love my sleep
if I got nailed everyday then I didn’t need the internet.
Whoever wrote this is a virgin who probably doesn’t even mastrubate because for some reason people think it says not to in the Bible.
Lol. Lonely ass virgin.
It’s okay, you still have your hand, World of Warcraft, and all the porn on the Internet at your disposal!
I’d have to say this is a pretty big FAIL. I mean, seriously, look at it this way.
“Hey baby, wanna have sex? I got a half an hour before I gotta go.”
“I have a better idea.”-saunters toward lover- “Why don’t we study?!”
“You’re so right! Let’s fucking study!
lol. FAIL.
this person is a loooser.
why house work?
i disagree wit ,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10
only 1, 3, 4, and 6 are true, the rest are shit.
i wonder if this is supposed to be funny?
but its not funny anyway. if the person who made this was serious, he must have a sad sad life!