World’s Saddest Photo - Photographer Commits Suicide 3 Days After Taking This
Facebook Fan Page: World’s Saddest Photo - Photographer Commits Suicide 3 Days After Taking This
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Poor Boy!!!!!!!!!!! He must be starving, just like the vulture!!!!!! Bad Vulture!
he didnt make it to the nearest kfc for sustainance
wow dick move yo
think you’re funny? go kill yourself@trolololol
Then he’d do no better than the cameraman… Who’s the real “vulture”? HMMMM?
i hope he helped that boy before he died
he didn’t, i wrote an essay on bystander effect and included this. When he first released the photo he claimed that he waited for over an hour for the bird to spread its wings, when it didnt he took the photo and left the girl. After everyone complained and he recvied criticism his colleague tried to claim it was a fake… the child was just waiting for its mother to return from getiing food from an aid station. But he killed himself later, saying that by doing his job hed seen so much sadness (he specialised in photographs of poverty) and he couldnt stop thinking of all the terrible things hed seen. No one knows whether she survived
1) It’s a girl.
2) Her parents were collecting food from a famine relief plane a few yards away
3) He did kill himself, but it was over a year later (google Kevin Carter)
4) The picture is a major feature in Mark Danielewski’s cult novel “The House of Leaves”
He may not think he’s funny, but he got the response he wanted. From you.
ha ha lolz
you demented fuck how could this be funny, dumbshit!
how about you die of starvation, and il laugh at your dead body
He was depressed anyway, it wasn’t just because of this picture. Also, She’s a girl, The photographer, Kevin Carter, chased the Vulture away. His suicide not read: “I am depressed … without phone … money for rent … money for child support … money for debts … money!!! … I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain … of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners…I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky.”
yeah, Wikipedia <3
I hope he was that lucky then… *re the note*
Yeah ^__^
bor girl the picture is sad but not inofe to cumid cuiside
thats kinda horrible
+1 LOL
ur bad
@Anonymous he couldn’t