Hilarious - The 20 differences between Like and Love.
Facebook Fan Page: Hilarious - The 20 differences between Like and Love.
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1. Love is like waaaay more than like.
2. Like is not really that good compared to love.
3. Like is where you kinda like them, but love is like a whole bunch.
4. Like is pretty cool and stuff, but LOVE… OMG IT’S AWESOME!
5. Like ain’t near as cool as love.
6. Like is like kisses and hugs and stuff… Love, don’t even get me started.
7. Like is LAAAAAMMMEEE compared to Love.
8. Like, pretty good, yeah. But, LOVE ROCKS!
9. Love completely OWNS Like.
10. Love is like <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3, but like is only like <3<3<3<3
11. Love is Like to the power of a million.
12. Love is so powerful, it sometimes gives me a boner when I’m not even turned on.
13. Love is waaay hotter.
14. You can’t make Like.
15. Like is when you take someone out to dinner. Love is when you both stay home…
16. Love simply turns me on, Okay?
17. I want some really hot love right now.
18. If anyone out there wants to meet me and share some Love… My number is 202-452-7468
19. Please! Anyone! I need SEX!
20. Screw it… I’m jacking off.
lawl the last four is funny
you really need to change your definition of love… what you’re calling love is defined as lust.
I dont see how any of these are “hilarious” and i agree with “:D” Lust does not equal love.
I agree with “:D” and “:P”
I agree with “:3″ who agrees with “:D” and “:P”.
i agree with all of the above
i agree with all the other smilies
mmy smiley owwnnns all the rest! if you get it, follow me on twitter
… i honest to god hope this is a joke lol
He’s a really nice guy. I called him and had a great conversation with him. His name’s John, btw.
you need to go out more ~
LMAO i like the last few
I win.
And I Agree
Um….. John Just Told Me Ya Mum Was Better
……um…he’s high, right?
thought it was a girl, til i got to number 12… :p
God… you apparently have NO idea about the difference between love and lust. ‘PieisforPeople’: Yes, he is high.
I honestly thought this was a ten year old girl…until I saw the word “boner”….
And then it became obvious that it was a 14 year old boy who has just hit puberty.
Did anyone actually call the kid?? haha
i love ur mom so much… she helped me drop out of school… and burn it >:) i fuckin looooove it like OMAAAGAWDD… UR MOTHER!
The smileys up there ^ are hilarious . Lmaooo
I wanna join in with a smiley!
and that’s lust not love..