OMG This girl got jailed 2 years for posting this status update!
Facebook Fan Page: OMG This girl got jailed 2 years for posting this status update!
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Facebook Fan Page: OMG This girl got jailed 2 years for posting this status update!
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Kinda retarded. If someone did rob the old lady. Wouldn’t someone know it as putting groceries in her car? I think this is just a picture of a chick in a jumpsuit and a scam.
Dont like this facebook page..
its a scam!!
I dont believe -_- diszx buhh maybe im wronq :/
How could you get in trouble for that? ive seen worse!
That’s BS I’m pretty sure it’s a scam. People have no lives. hahaa ohhh well:)
its a scam even on the bottom of the page it says not facebook
thats fake buddy , its on failbook. lol
Dude, this picture is jacked off of…
Its fake at the bottom it says “failbook”
this is fake shit… Why would somebody get put in jail for saying they helped an old lady out oh wait it was the comment oops(: Lol BUT THIS IS FAKE!
Who cares its funny!!!!! You guys are pathetic, its a joke. holy crap get a sense of humor! LOL, funny!!! Props to whomever did it
umm ok im pretty sure people talk about way worse shit on fb, in fact ive seen people talk about shit like this on fb, nothing happened. they wouldnt monitor someones fb unless they had some sort of warrant so yeah BULL-FUCKING-SHIT
What Picture? all i see is comments
isthis really true?
good call@Anonymous
dis sounds like something i would say AS A JOKE
Um, anyone realize the creator of the page is “Girl Jailed” She doesn’t even have a name other than the fill in the blank status up date that anyone with photoshop can make? Also this Joke has been around for a while. The first time I saw it was on the image boards (sorry rules) about a guy getting off a bus and proclaiming his intent to get on the not-to-be-named site. The bus driver said “RULES 1 & 2″ before driving away, followed by a supposed post from the bus driver and then a passanger recalling the account. It’s a troll, and not even a new one at that.
hahah, we’ve all seen this on failbook
it’s from failbook. it was a joke.
It’s just one of those things where people comment for a laugh. If you could go to jail for commenting on shit like that then half my friends would be in there right now.
This just seems like some funny comments a group of friends made toward another friends’ status. It is obvious they are all joking.
its real but its A JOKE jeez thats stupid how can you go to jail for that??
how old are you people? dont you have a sense of humour? of course its not true! i wonder how you get through everyday life when your so naive and gullible!
I thought this site would have some funny stuff in it. But it’s nothing but little kids making shit up for attention. Pathetic.