The stated limit is wrong, because it approaches +/- infinity depending on whether x approaches 8 from x>8 or x 8+”, it’s wrong. The answer is perfectly logical though, despite being mathematically incorrect :p
I’m gonna draw a giraffe on my science test. (After answering the questions.) The science teacher is funny and would find that amusing. If I did that to my ELA teacher….oh no….NO! It should NEVER be done. EVER!
Why are these only funny when drunk?
the funny thing is that a few of these exams are on regents papers.
it says ” top 10” and there are 20
The stated limit is wrong, because it approaches +/- infinity depending on whether x approaches 8 from x>8 or x 8+”, it’s wrong. The answer is perfectly logical though, despite being mathematically incorrect :p
who cares anon
Jesus cares, let him into your life
the answer to the bear one is
Construct a… BANANA CAR!
love it.
some of those made me giggle… hehe….
No u
in an exam i had one question was ‘what are uses for plutonium?’ and my friend put ‘some painful ass sex toys’ lol
hahaha nice answer
In a computer science test the question was “whats an Extranet”
and my answer was ” A spare net incase you break your first”
I clicked on ‘gross’ by accident. =/
thats soooo funny omg lol
也 没那么可笑, 但是那些画好可爱哦
I’m gonna draw a giraffe on my science test. (After answering the questions.) The science teacher is funny and would find that amusing. If I did that to my ELA teacher….oh no….NO! It should NEVER be done. EVER!
the teacher gave an extra point for the giraffe! XD
bad pupel