The Legend Who Did This After Getting His Exam Results
Facebook Fan Page: The Legend Who Did This After Getting His Exam Results
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The awkward moment when you text this to your mum…
Facebook Fan Page: The awkward moment when you text this to your mum…
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If you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds or less you are a genius
Facebook Fan Page: If you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds or less you are a genius
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90% of people can’t see what’s wrong with this picture
Facebook Fan Page: Click the image below to see it full screen
90% of people can’t see what’s wrong with this picture
Top 10 perfectly timed photos
63% of People can figure out how this picture was taken! Can YOU?
Facebook Fan Page: 63% of People can figure out how this picture was taken! Can YOU?
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I challenge anyone upset over the UK riots not to laugh at this
Facebook Fan Page: I challenge anyone upset over the UK riots not to laugh at this
There were over 500 images hidden in this page. 50 have been posted so far with more to come.
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