more than 40 ways to annoy the pizza delivery person :)
Facebook Fan Page: more than 40 ways to annoy the pizza delivery person
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Top ten things you shouldn’t say to your girlfriend.
Facebook Fan Page: Top ten things you shouldn’t say to your girlfriend.
10. I cheated on you
9. I like guys
8. Your best friend is hot
7. You look fat
6.You look alright
5. You have big thighs
4. You should go on a diet
3. Your mom is hot
2. I wanna break up
1. I love you
The 10 Thingѕ All Girlѕ didnt know about Guys
The 10 Worst things to SAY during S3X! L0L
Facebook Fan Page: The 10 Worst things to SAY during S3X! L0L
1. you woke me up for that?
2. just use your finger its bigger
3. of course I don’t love you
4. stop making those faces..there too funny
5. Hurry up, I’m late for a date.
6. I hope you don’t expect a raise for this?
7. A second time? I barely stayed awake the first time
8. how much do I owe you
9. stop moaning you sound stupid
10.Is that smell coming from you
Hilarious - The 20 differences between Like and Love.
Facebook Fan Page: Hilarious - The 20 differences between Like and Love.
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The 5 things every girl does before she meets her boyfriend - Lol
Facebook Fan Page: The 5 things every girl does before she meets her boyfriend - Lol
1. Get Changed More Then Once
2. Put Make up On
3. SPray Perfume.
4. Get a Hot Bath.
5. Panic About Looking Good.
Hilarious - 20 reasons you should drop out of school
Facebook Fan Page: Hilarious - 20 reasons you should drop out of school
It’s dumb.
It’s stupid.
It’s hard.
It’s annoying.
It’s lame.
It’s boring.
It’s long.
It’s really dumb.
It’s retarded.
It’s soooooo dummmmbb.
It’s for stuuupid people.
It’s soooooo laaaammmmme.
It’s sooo long and boring and lame and dumb.
It’s not even cool at all cuz it’s duuuummmbbb.
It’s soooooooo retarrrdddeeeddd.
It’s sooooo dummmb.
It’s stooopidd.
5 things all girls want guys to do on a first date
Facebook Fan Page: 5 things all girls want guys to do on a first date
Pay for the meal/pictures
Tell her that she looks pretty
Ask her if she would like to go out again
Give her a kiss on the cheak
Hold their hand in a scary movie